domingo, 22 de março de 2009

Fly me to the moon

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Bem vinda :)

Anónimo disse...

Lost without a moon

Where has this moon gone?
the moon that used to brighten up
the night sky,
And the moon that used to shine
Brighter than any star,
The moon that used to bring to me
This beautiful light,
For this moon used to lighten up
My heart,
Now that this moon is gone
I must rely on the stars
to bring me light,
This moon left me alone,
alone to suffer and think
empty thoughts,
And now i now that
I am lost,
Oh where has this moon gone?

Anónimo disse...

os 6 sentidos são : visão, audição,olfato,paladar, tato e autopersepção !!!

6 sentidos não 5 !!!